On the way back from the vet in Gaithesburg, I passed through Highland, and was reminded of a demonstration I had seen some years ago at Shari Sternberger’s Elements of Energy. Shari is a holistic practitioner for people and pets, and incorporates healing touch, Reiki, sound and light therapies, and other techniques. I thought a little visit for Riley—and me—might be just the thing to help focus our energy on our goal.
Shari was able to see him the next day. I can’t say which of us—Riley or me—benefited more. Riley certainly relaxed into the repertoire of treatments that Shari provided. And I benefited from chatting with someone who had such a wealth of experience with older and ailing dogs. I realize that her support is not a substitute for traditional veterinary care—which we are still continuing, but I found it a valuable adjunct.
Here’s a little video Shari made with tips on caring for aging pets. (Warning: This one’s about cleaning up poop!) Even if/when Riley recovers from his illness, he won't come out of it any younger! So being prepared for the road ahead is a good idea.
Riley, by the way, is feeling fine right now and has his healthy appetite back. He even darted after a squirrel the other day. We're not sure if he's "out of the woods" yet, but the jaundice seems to be subsiding, and all other signs are normal--no pain, diarrhea, vomiting, etc. I don’t know if it’s the antibiotics, the low-fat small-meals diet, the energy healing, time itself, or a combination of the above. But I’ll take it!
We're glad to hear that Riley is doing better! :)