I decided to start a
Julie & Julia type blog and bake the 102 dog treat recipes that appear in a book I bought from
Northern Breed Rescue about a year or two ago.
I can't guarantee that I'll be as thorough as Julie, or that I'll complete the project within a year, or that I'll even complete it at all. But I think I can start out by trying a few. After all, who could resist Tuna Brownies, Liver Muffins, and Bacon Biscuits?
I obtained permission from the NB Rescue to publish its recipes in the blog. I'll describe my experiences with them and the reactions from my tasters. I'll always include information about ordering the book, which is available for $10 plus shipping from the
rescue's website.
So, . . . I started from the beginning with the Basic Customizable Biscuit Recipe.
Recipe 1
Basic Customizable Biscuit RecipeContributed by Cindy, Fonz and Girl
This recipe can serve as a basic dough for dog biscuits. You can use chick, beef, or turkey, or vegetable broth (onion and garlic free)--whichever your dog prefers. You can also add raw or cooked ground or minced meat (your choice) or baby food to the dough before baking.
2 cups of white flour
2 cups of white rice flour
1 egg
2 tbsp oil
1/4 to 1/2 cups peanut butter (optional if you are not adding meat)
1/2 to 3/4 cups shredded cheddar cheese (optional, depends on what your dog likes)
Preheat oven to 350. Add enough water to make VERY stiff dough. Roll out to 1/4 inch thick and cut with cookie cutters into desired shapes. Bake at 350 and turn it down to 200 or 250 after they start browning. After that, it may take a couple of hours to dry out completely. Alternatively, you can bake them at 350 until brown, then turn off the oven and let them stay there overnight to cool and harden. Use within one week or freeze.
Variation: you can also substitute potato or oat flour if your dog does not handle rice or wheat flour well.
The entire book of 102 recipes is available for $10 plus shipping from the
Northern Breed Rescue website.