We had a nice little walk yesterday at the
Middle Patuxent Environmental Area. However, the ticks were out in full force. We came home and took our dogs straight to the tub--
mainly because they were muddy--but then started finding tick after tick--mostly on their chests. It seemed like the ticks had just selected their targets and were getting ready to drill, when we grabbed them, smushed them in a tissue, tossed them in the toilet, and flushed. Bon voyage!

I found (so far) that the best device for removing them is this little thing called
"Ticked Off." Some vets sell them and they're available online. I have about 4-5 in various locations. I think there are some other variations on this model, but this one works very well. I find tweezers very difficult and they basically just mutilate the tick. This gadget pulls out the head and isn't yucky to use.
Meanwhile, we're continuing to keep up with our Frontline treatments. But I have a feeling this year might be a little worse than usual.
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